... about how hypnotherapy can change your life!
A Great Hypnotherapy Site We Should Talk
A Great Hypnotherapy Site
We Should Talk
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Having a crisis of confidence? Feel under constant stress? We all know that stress is a major culprit in health issues. Learn to take control and be confident in all that you wish to do, whether it’s passing your driving test, coping with work stress or something fundamentally deeper.
Tried every diet and still failed? Lost your control around food? Want to feel better about yourself? We will help you achieve the weight you want without dieting and motivate you to achieve a healthy lifestyle. No humiliating public weigh-ins – and that’s a promise!
If you are ready to become a non-smoker, you can successfully give up with hypnotherapy if you are committed! The average smoker will make back the therapy fee in 6 weeks once becoming a non-smoker and could save £140,000 over a lifetime! "Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit. Willpower, it turns out, counts for very little." Robert Matthews - New Scientist Magazine issue 1845 - 31 October 1992
Pregnant and fearful? Have a satisfying, relaxing and stress-free pregnancy and labour. With your mind and body in harmony it is possible to have a more comfortable birth, faster labour with less medical intervention, plus the lessening of morning sickness and heartburn. Jo has had advanced specialist training to ensure the best possible birth experience for her mums to be. Click here for more information and scientific research on the efficacy of this treatment.
Struggling to conceive? Considering IVF? If you have had all the usual medical checks and are still suffering from unexplained infertility, hypnotherapy could offer you an increased chance of conception. Don’t wait any longer to meet your baby! Click here for really impressive scientific research details about how hypnotherapy can double the chances of conception with IVF.
Feeling really anxious about something? Feel nobody understands? Is this problem taking over your life? Hypnotherapy can be a fast and effective way to free yourself for good. Phone or email to discuss your particular problem and how it affects you.
Have you been diagnosed with IBS? Looking for a powerful yet drug free solution? Hypnotherapy is for you. Jo has undergone advanced specialist training in gut related disorders to ensure the best possible standard of service.
Feel low? Has life become hard work? Stop suffering in silence. Help is at hand - call today.
Have some other issue not mentioned above? Don’t you owe it to yourself to find a solution? So many issues can be resolved with hypnotherapy.
Past Life Regression is fascinating and can help clients make sense of this life - call today to find out how Jo can help you.
The future depends on what we do in the present
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